Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, inc
Newark, NJ | Founded Oct. 13, 1926


Any male holder of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university may be presented as a candidate for membership in an alumni chapter provided that he:
Has been minimally conferred a 4-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution (includes accredited online university)
Is of good character
Is registered to vote, if eligible and qualified
Is sponsored by a member in good standing from the chapter in which the candidate is seeking membership
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. joins other fraternities, sororities, parents and academic institutions in the fight against hazing. No one person can eliminate hazing. It takes the commitment of everyone involved in the process of joining a group organization to make it happen. We encourage you to join us to make this world a better place through hazing prevention.

Pledging Policy
NO pledging is allowed. Pledging is against the purposes and goals of the fraternity and has been discontinued as a condition or manner of initiation into the membership of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. It is no longer legal within Alpha Phi Alpha for members to establish a “pledge line” or to require candidate to the organization to submit to hazing.
Get Active
ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA has become one of the largest and fastest growing chapters in the Northeast with over 100 financial Brothers largely due to the addition of reclaimed Brothers. Whether you have been out of the House for one year or fifty years, you are always Welcomed to be a part of the Light that is Alpha Alpha Lambda. Reclaimed Brothers will surely see familiar faces and feel kindred spirits the second they walk through the door. As an incentive to reclamation, we have a special discount on first year chapter dues just for newly reclaimed Brothers. Visiting Brothers are always welcome to attend our meetings and our events. At all times, visiting Brothers will find the Brick City Alphas "amiable, kindly, fraternal." When you are ready to come back home to the HOUSE OF ALPHA, we are here.